The quest to uncover the mysteries of healthy longevity has led researchers to seek out a special group of individuals - the SuperAgers. This unique study, known as the SuperAgers Family Study, aims to delve into the genetic makeup of those who have reached the remarkable age of 95 or older, as well as their children. By doing so, scientists hope to discover what genetic strengths these individuals possess that enable them to ward off typical age-related diseases.

The potential benefits of unlocking the key to SuperAgers' success are astounding. Not only could it save billions of dollars for the healthcare system, but it could also lead to the development of groundbreaking treatments for disease prevention and support for those grappling with illness. Sofiya Milman, the principal investigator of the study, emphasizes the significance of this research in striving to improve healthcare outcomes.

Many SuperAgers have managed to delay the onset of age-associated diseases by several decades, a feat that sets them apart from the general population. Furthermore, numerous SuperAgers remain disease-free throughout their lifetime. Milman highlights the impact of this finding, stating that "older age is associated with debilitating health status and issues... SuperAgers – by 20 to 30 years – delay the onset of age-related diseases." It becomes clear that winning the genetic lottery plays a crucial role in defying age-related ailments.

The researchers anticipate that this study will provide essential answers to critical questions surrounding healthy longevity. They aim to determine whether SuperAgers lack genetic variants that make some individuals more susceptible to chronic diseases or if they possess genetic variants that protect against such diseases and slow down the aging process.

While lifestyle choices are known to influence health outcomes, it is becoming increasingly evident that genetics play a significant role in determining one's ability to thrive as a SuperAger. Milman explains, "Lifestyle is also important, but we're finding that not all SuperAgers have perfect lifestyles. Genetics is the key that is stronger, we believe. Some SuperAgers are thriving in spite of their lifestyle."

In addition to studying the SuperAgers themselves, the research team is interested in analyzing their offspring and the spouses of these offspring. By doing so, they aim to determine whether having a parent with an exceptional lifespan translates into an enriched genetic predisposition for longevity in their children. Meanwhile, the children-in-law will serve as a comparison group without a genetic predisposition for longevity.

The researchers emphasize the importance of gathering as many "triads" as possible - comprised of the older adult, their child, and the child's spouse - to gain comprehensive insights into the factors contributing to healthy longevity.

In conclusion, the SuperAgers Family Study holds immense promise in unraveling the genetic secrets behind healthy aging. Through this research, scientists hope to unlock the key to SuperAgers' success, leading to groundbreaking advancements in disease prevention and healthcare practices. By understanding how genetics influence healthy longevity, we can envision a future where age-related diseases are delayed, and individuals can lead fulfilling lives well into their golden years.

SuperAgers Study

The SuperAgers study, led by the American Federation for Aging Research and Albert Einstein College of Medicine in collaboration with Boston University School of Medicine, aims to enroll 10,000 participants over the next two years. Currently, the study has already enrolled approximately 340 participants, consisting of superagers and their offspring.

Finding Participants

To expand its reach, the SuperAgers initiative plans to launch a national campaign through both traditional and social media. Interested individuals can participate in the study by visiting

Simple and Convenient Research Effort

The study has taken inspiration from other research studies in order to simplify the participation process. All aspects of the study can be conducted remotely, allowing SuperAgers and their children to complete a questionnaire and mail in a saliva sample using a provided kit. No follow-up tests are required.

Contributing as "Citizen Scientists"

Participation in the SuperAgers study presents a unique opportunity for individuals to become "citizen scientists," contributing to vital research.

Free Ancestry Information

As an added benefit, the study offers free ancestry information to interested participants.

In-Depth Questionnaire

The questionnaire aims to gather comprehensive information about participants' activity levels, sleep habits, and other lifestyle factors throughout their lives.

Uncovering the Superager Phenomenon

Previous smaller studies on superagers have revealed intriguing findings, such as delayed onset of diseases, increased optimism, and lower levels of growth hormones. However, these studies lacked statistical significance. The larger scale of the SuperAgers study intends to provide more conclusive results.

Sharing Data for Further Research

In collaboration with the National Institutes of Health, the SuperAgers initiative will share its data with other researchers, fostering a collective effort to learn from and build upon the study's findings.

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